Source code for pysensors.classification._sspoc

Sparse Sensor Placement Optimization for Classification (SSPOC) based

    Brunton, Bingni W., et al.
    "Sparse sensor placement optimization for classification."
    SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 76.5 (2016): 2099-2122.

See also the following paper for improvements on this method

    Mohren, Thomas L., et al.
    "Neural-inspired sensors enable sparse, efficient classification
    of spatiotemporal data."
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    115.42 (2018): 10564-10569.
import warnings

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from ..basis import Identity
from ..utils import constrained_binary_solve
from ..utils import constrained_multiclass_solve
from ..utils import validate_input

INT_DTYPES = (int, np.int64, np.int32, np.int16, np.int8)

[docs]class SSPOC(BaseEstimator): r""" Sparse Sensor Placement Optimization for Classification (SSPOC) object. As the name suggests, this class can be used to select optimal sensor locations (measurement locations) for classification tasks. The time complexity of the SSPOC algorithm can be decomposed as .. math:: C_{total} = C_{basis} + C_{classification} + C_{optimization} * :math:`C_{basis}`: the complexity of fitting the selected basis object and producing the matrix inverse. The matrix inverse is "free" to compute for :class:`pysensors.basis.Identity` and :class:`pysensors.basis.SVD`. For :class:`pysensors.basis.RandomProjection` the complexity is that of calling :code:`numpy.linalg.pinv` on a matrix of size :code:`n_input_features * n_basis_modes`. * :math:`C_{classification}`: the cost of fitting the chosen classifier to :code:`n_examples` examples with :code:`n_basis_modes` features. * :math:`C_{optimization}`: the cost of solving the sensor optimization problem. For binary classification we use :code:`sklearn.linear_model.OrthogonalMatchingPursuit`. For multi-class classification we use :code:`sklearn.linear_model.MultiTaskLasso`. The costs for each depend on the fit options that are specified. In both cases there are :code:`n_basis_modes` examples with :code:`n_features` features. The space complexity likewise depends on the same three factors. Generally, the basis requires :code:`O(n_basis_modes * n_features)` space. The space requirements for classification and optimization depend on the particular algorithms being employed. See the Scikit-learn documentation for specifics. See the following reference for more information: Brunton, Bingni W., et al. "Sparse sensor placement optimization for classification." SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 76.5 (2016): 2099-2122. Parameters ---------- basis: basis object, optional (default :class:`pysensors.basis.Identity`) Basis in which to represent the data. Default is the identity basis (i.e. raw features). classifier: classifier object, optional \ (default Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)) Classifier for which to optimize sensors. Must be a *linear* classifier with a :code:`coef_` attribute and :code:`fit` and :code:`predict` methods. n_sensors: positive integer, optional (default None) Number of sensor locations to be used after fitting. If :code:`n_sensors` is not None then it overrides the :code:`threshold` parameter. If set to 0, then :code:`classifier` will be replaced with a dummy classifier which predicts the class randomly. threshold: nonnegative float, optional (default None) Threshold for selecting sensors. Overriden by :code:`n_sensors`. If both :code:`threshold` and :code:`n_sensors` are None when the :meth:`fit` method is called, then the threshold will be set to .. math:: \frac{\|s\|_F}{2rc} where :math:`s` is a sensor coefficient matrix, :math:`r` is the number of basis modes, and :math:`c` is the number of distinct classes, as suggested in Brunton et al. (2016). l1_penalty: nonnegative float, optional (default 0.1) The L1 penalty term used to form the sensor coefficient matrix, s. Larger values will result in a sparser s and fewer selected sensors. This parameter is ignored for binary classification problems. Attributes ---------- n_basis_modes: nonnegative integer Number of basis modes to be used when deciding sensor locations. basis_matrix_inverse_: np.ndarray, shape (n_basis_modes, n_input_features) The inverse of the matrix of basis vectors. sensor_coef_: np.ndarray, shape (n_input_features, n_classes) The sensor coefficient matrix, s. sparse_sensors_: np.ndarray, shape (n_sensors, ) The selected sensors. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_classification >>> from pysensors.classification import SSPOC >>> >>> x, y = make_classification(n_classes=3, n_informative=3, random_state=10) >>> >>> model = SSPOC(n_sensors=10, l1_penalty=0.03) >>>, y, quiet=True) SSPOC(basis=Identity(n_basis_modes=100), classifier=LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(), l1_penalty=0.03, n_sensors=10) >>> print(model.selected_sensors) [10 13 6 19 17 16 15 14 12 11] >>> >>> acc = accuracy_score(y, model.predict(x[:, model.selected_sensors])) >>> print("Accuracy:", acc) Accuracy: 0.66 >>> >>> model.update_sensors(n_sensors=5, xy=(x, y), quiet=True) >>> print(model.selected_sensors) [10 13 6 19 17] >>> >>> acc = accuracy_score(y, model.predict(x[:, model.selected_sensors])) >>> print("Accuracy:", acc) Accuracy: 0.6 """ def __init__( self, basis=None, classifier=None, n_sensors=None, threshold=None, l1_penalty=0.1, ): if basis is None: basis = Identity() self.basis = basis if classifier is None: classifier = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis() self.classifier = classifier self.n_sensors = n_sensors self.threshold = threshold self.l1_penalty = l1_penalty self.n_basis_modes = None self.refit_ = False
[docs] def fit( self, x, y, quiet=False, prefit_basis=False, refit=True, **optimizer_kws, ): """ Fit the SSPOC model, determining which sensors are relevant. Parameters ---------- x: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_input_features) Training data. y: array-like, shape (n_samples,) Training labels. quiet: boolean, optional (default False) Whether or not to suppress warnings during fitting. prefit_basis: boolean, optional (default False) Whether or not the basis has already been fit to x. For example, you may have already fit and experimented with a ``SVD`` object to determine the optimal number of modes. This option allows you to avoid an unnecessary SVD. refit: boolean, optional (default True) Whether or not to refit the classifier using measurements only from the learned sensor locations. optimizer_kws: dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to the optimization routine. Returns ------- self: a fitted :class:`SSPOC` instance """ # Fit basis functions to data if prefit_basis: check_is_fitted(self.basis, "basis_matrix_") else: x = validate_input(x) if quiet: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) else: # Get matrix representation of basis - this is \Psi^T in the paper self.basis_matrix_inverse_ = self.basis.matrix_inverse( n_basis_modes=self.n_basis_modes ) # Find weight vector if quiet: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ConvergenceWarning), self.basis_matrix_inverse_.T), y) else:, self.basis_matrix_inverse_.T), y) w = np.squeeze(self.classifier.coef_).T n_classes = len(set(y[:])) if n_classes == 2: s = constrained_binary_solve( w, self.basis_matrix_inverse_, quiet=quiet, **optimizer_kws ) else: s = constrained_multiclass_solve( w, self.basis_matrix_inverse_, alpha=self.l1_penalty, quiet=quiet, **optimizer_kws, ) if self.threshold is None: # Chosen as in Brunton et al. (2016) threshold = np.sqrt(np.sum(s ** 2)) / ( 2 * self.basis_matrix_inverse_.shape[0] * n_classes ) else: threshold = self.threshold # Decide which sensors to retain based on s self.sensor_coef_ = s self.sparse_sensors_ = np.array([]) xy = (x, y) if refit else None self.update_sensors( n_sensors=self.n_sensors, threshold=threshold, xy=xy, quiet=quiet ) # Form a dummy classifier for when no sensors are retained self.dummy_ = DummyClassifier(strategy="stratified")[:, 0], y) return self
[docs] def predict(self, x): """ Predict classes for given measurements. If :code:`self.n_sensors` is 0 then a dummy classifier is used in place of :code:`self.classifier`. Parameters ---------- x: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_sensors) or (n_samples, n_features) Examples to be classified. The measurements should be taken at the sensor locations specified by ``self.selected_sensors``. Returns ------- y: np.ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Predicted classes. """ check_is_fitted(self, "sensor_coef_") if self.n_sensors == 0: warnings.warn( "SSPOC model has no selected sensors so predictions are random. " "Increase n_sensors or lower threshold with SSPOC.update_sensors." ) return self.dummy_.predict(x[:, 0]) if self.refit_: return self.classifier.predict(x) else: return self.classifier.predict(, self.basis_matrix_inverse_.T))
[docs] def update_sensors( self, n_sensors=None, threshold=None, xy=None, quiet=False, method=np.max, **method_kws, ): """ Update the selected sensors by changing either the preferred number of sensors or the threshold used to select the sensors, refitting the classifier afterwards, if possible. Parameters ---------- n_sensors: nonnegative integer, optional (default None) The number of sensor locations to select. If None, then :code:`threshold` will be used to pick the sensors. Note that :code:`n_sensors` and :code:`threshold` cannot both be None. threshold: nonnegative float, optional (default None) The threshold to use to select sensors based on the magnitudes of entries in :code:`self.sensor_coef_` (s). Overridden by :code:`n_sensors`. Note that :code:`n_sensors` and :code:`threshold` cannot both be None. xy: tuple of np.ndarray, length 2, optional (default None) Tuple containing training data x and labels y for refitting. x should have shape (n_samples, n_input_features) and y shape (n_samples, ). If not None, the classifier will be refit after the new sensors have been selected. quiet: boolean, optional (default False) Whether to silence warnings. method: callable, optional (default :code:`np.max`) Function used along with :code:`threshold` to select sensors. For binary classification problems one need not specify a method. For multiclass classification problems, :code:`sensor_coef_` (s) has multiple columns and :code:`method` is applied along each row to aggregate coefficients for thresholding, i.e. :code:`method` is called as follows :code:`method(np.abs(self.sensor_coef_), axis=1, **method_kws)`. Other examples of acceptable methods are :code:`np.min`, :code:`np.mean`, and :code:`np.median`. **method_kws: dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed into :code:`method` when it is called. """ check_is_fitted(self, "sensor_coef_") warn = not quiet if n_sensors is not None and threshold is not None and warn: warnings.warn( f"Both n_sensors({n_sensors}) and threshold({threshold}) " "were passed so threshold will be ignored" ) if n_sensors is None and threshold is None: raise ValueError("At least one of n_sensors or threshold must be passed.") elif n_sensors is not None: if n_sensors > len(self.sensor_coef_): raise ValueError( f"n_sensors({n_sensors}) cannot exceed number of available " f"sensors ({len(self.sensor_coef_)})" ) self.n_sensors = n_sensors # Could be made more efficient with a max heap # (we don't need to sort the whole list) if np.ndim(self.sensor_coef_) == 1: sorted_sensors = np.argsort(-np.abs(self.sensor_coef_)) if ( np.abs(self.sensor_coef_[sorted_sensors[n_sensors - 1]]) == 0 and warn ): warnings.warn( "Some uninformative sensors were selected. " "Consider decreasing n_sensors" ) else: sorted_sensors = np.argsort( -method(np.abs(self.sensor_coef_), axis=1, **method_kws) ) if ( method( np.abs(self.sensor_coef_[sorted_sensors[n_sensors - 1], :]), **method_kws, ) == 0 and warn ): warnings.warn( "Some uninformative sensors were selected. " "Consider decreasing n_sensors" ) self.sparse_sensors_ = sorted_sensors[:n_sensors] else: self.threshold = threshold if np.ndim(self.sensor_coef_) == 1: sparse_sensors = np.nonzero(np.abs(self.sensor_coef_) >= threshold)[0] else: sparse_sensors = np.nonzero( method(np.abs(self.sensor_coef_), axis=1, **method_kws) >= threshold )[0] self.n_sensors = len(sparse_sensors) self.sparse_sensors_ = sparse_sensors if self.n_sensors == 0 and warn: warnings.warn( f"Threshold set too high ({threshold}); no sensors selected." ) # Refit if xy was passed if xy is not None: if self.n_sensors > 0: x, y = xy if quiet: # Suppress warnings arising from no sensors being selected with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ConvergenceWarning)[:, self.sparse_sensors_], y) else:[:, self.sparse_sensors_], y) self.refit_ = True else: warnings.warn("No selected sensors; model was not refit.")
[docs] def update_n_basis_modes(self, n_basis_modes, xy, **fit_kws): """ Re-fit the :class:`SSPOC` object using a different value of :code:`n_basis_modes`. This method allows one to relearn sensor locations for a different number of basis modes _without_ re-fitting the basis in many cases. Specifically, if :code:`n_basis_modes <= self.basis.n_basis_modes` then the basis does not need to be refit. Otherwise this function does not save any computational resources. Parameters ---------- n_basis_modes: positive int, optional (default None) Number of basis modes to be used during fit. Must be less than or equal to ``n_samples``. xy: tuple of np.ndarray, length 2 Tuple containing training data x and labels y for refitting. x should have shape (n_samples, n_input_features) and y shape (n_samples, ). **fit_kws: dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass to :meth:``. """ if not isinstance(n_basis_modes, INT_DTYPES) or n_basis_modes <= 0: raise ValueError("n_basis_modes must be a positive integer") x, y = xy # No need to refit basis; only refit sensors if ( hasattr(self.basis, "basis_matrix_") and n_basis_modes <= self.basis.n_basis_modes ): self.n_basis_modes = n_basis_modes, y, prefit_basis=True, **fit_kws) else: if n_basis_modes > x.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "n_basis_modes cannot exceed the number of examples, x.shape[0]" ) else: self.n_basis_modes = n_basis_modes self.basis.n_basis_modes = n_basis_modes, y, prefit_basis=False, **fit_kws)
@property def selected_sensors(self): """ Get the indices of the selected sensors. Returns ------- sensors: numpy array, shape (n_sensors,) Indices of the selected sensors. """ check_is_fitted(self, "sparse_sensors_") return self.sparse_sensors_
[docs] def get_selected_sensors(self): """ Convenience function for getting indices of the selected sensors. Returns ------- sensors: numpy array, shape (n_sensors,) Indices of the selected sensors. """ return self.selected_sensors