PySensors examples

Here we provide examples of how to use PySensors objects to solve sensor placement problems.

PySensors overview

This notebook gives an overview of most of the different tools available in PySensors. It’s a good place to start to get a quick idea of what the package is capable of.

Basis comparison

This example compares the different basis options implemented in PySensors on a simple problem.

Classification with SSPOC

See how to use the SSPOC class (Sparse Sensor Placement Optimization for Classification) to choose sparse sets of sensors for classification problems.

Cost constraints

Learn about the CCQR optimizer and how it can be used to place sparse sensors when there are variable costs associated with different locations.

Cross validation

PySensors was designed to be completely compatible with scikit-learn. In this notebook we show how to perform cross-validation with scikit-learn objects to optimize the number of sensors and/or basis modes.

Sea surface temperature prediciton

See how PySensors can be used to pick optimal locations for sensors in the ocean to help predict the temperature of the ocean at any given point.

Vandermonde example

Reproduces an example from Manohar et al. (2018) where sensor locations are learned for a monomial basis for the task of reconstruction.

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